When ordering groceries delivered to your home, Amazon Fresh offers one of the quickest, most reliable options.
Amazon Fresh has great employees and drivers working around the clock delivering your groceries and everyday goods. But this begs the question, should you be tipping Amazon Fresh drivers?
Do You Tip Amazon Fresh Delivery Drivers?
Amazon Fresh tips are completely optional but much appreciated by the drivers and can make a big difference in their income. A standard tip is between $3-$10 and goes directly to the driver. A driver is not able not see how much each customer tips them.
If you want to learn even more about what is and isn’t expected when tipping Amazon Fresh delivery drivers, keep reading…
Do Amazon Fresh Driver See Tips?
Amazon drivers can see the tip subtotal at the end of the day but they cannot see the individual tips made by customers. This allows customers privacy while allowing Amazon employees to kn ow how much they made on any given day.
A lot of customers feel self-conscious about having drivers see the tip amount before a delivery is made.
Also, Amazon Fresh customers can change their tip up to 24 hours after their delivery.
By allowing employees to see the subtotal at the end of the day, Amazon Fresh drivers are able to know how much they made without knowing who did and didn’t tip.
Who Gets The Tip For Amazon Fresh Deliveries?
Customer tips go completely to Amazon Fresh drivers. This is a great boost to the drivers income as Amazon typically provides a low baseline for their drivers.
If possible and you are happy with the delivery service provided by Amazon Fresh, it is recommended and much appreciated to leave tip.
How Do You Tip Amazon Fresh Drivers?
When shopping on the Amazon Fresh website, you can change and adjust your tip amount during checkout.
Tipping is quite simple, simply:
- Sign in to your Amazon Fresh account and start adding items to your cart.
- Once ready, head to the cart in the top righthand corner of your screen and click it to checkout.
- During the checkout process, you’ll see the price layout after entering your shipping address and payment information.
- Look to the bottom of your subtotal, and you’ll see where it says “Tip.”
- The amount will say $5 automatically, and if you do not choose to change your tip amount, this is the dollar amount that will be processed for your driver.
You are free to change this amount during checkout or at any time within 24 hours of the delivery. You can remove, lower, or give a larger tip here.
My Amazon Fresh Account Doesn’t Have A Tip Option
If you don’t see an option to leave a tip when checking out, it is likely you are using a gift card or EBT card to process your order. In these cases, you won’t have an option to leave a tip. You can fix this easily by using a credit or debit card for the tip.
Gift cards can only be redeemed for Amazon products and EBT cards can only be used for SNAP EBT eligible items, thus the money cannot go to the drivers.
However, you have the option of paying for part of the order with your gift card or EBT and putting the rest on credit/debit card.
Once you link a credit card to the account, you’ll see the ability to leave a tip for the remaining balance.
If you want to learn even more about Amazon, check out these related posts when does Amazon charge you and how late does Amazon deliver.
Although tipping isn’t obligatory with Amazon Fresh drivers, a tip of $3-$1 is highly appreciated and goes a long way.
Amazon Fresh delivery drivers receive 100% of all tips and this can make a big difference in their income.