Few things are as important as water, so it’s only natural that we ask ourselves if our favorite cafe charges for water.
A lot of places offer water for free, so let’s find out if that’s the case with Starbucks!
Does Starbucks Charge For Water?
No! You can get water for free at Starbucks, even though a lot of places have policies that include charging for water.
If you ask for water at Starbucks you will be able to get a large cup filled with water and ice completely free of charge, so while it may be a small thing, it does make their customers feel appreciated.
According to a Starbucks employee’s post on Quora:
I work at Starbucks. We will give you free water with ice in a grande cup unless you ask without ice or in another size. We do not charge for water. I have never heard of a Starbucks charging a cup fee either. And if you walk in and only get water, we will serve you. You don’t have to get coffee.
If you want to know more about Starbucks water, the availability of bottled water, and more then we suggest you stick around!
Why Is Starbucks Water So Good?
Starbucks has earned a reputation for having great water, which may sound funny at first since it’s just water right? well, customers would disagree.
A lot of the time customers praise how tasty and refreshing their water is, and the reason may be that it’s triple-filtered tap water so maybe that is where the magic comes from.
Does Starbucks Sell Bottled Water?
Yes, you can also get bottled water at Starbucks, however, these do come at a price since it’s not just tap water.
It’s good that they offer this option as well, especially since some customers may be in a hurry and bottled water is the better choice but if you don’t mind carrying a cup, then you should go with the free option.
In the end, it also depends on preference, so if you are one of those people that have a favorite type of bottled water and prefer not to take a chance with filtered tap water then you can choose to buy it at your favorite Starbucks.
What is Starbucks Free Water Policy?
There is no official policy or rules concerning Starbucks’ free water, however, the fact that it is free is already well known across every establishment.
One exception at some Starbucks would be that you can be charged $0.25 for the cup but never for the water itself, which is still a lot cheaper than purchasing bottled water.
Does Starbucks Charge for Hot Water?
No, you can get hot water for free at any Starbucks.
Does Starbucks Charge for Ice Water?
No, they don’t charge for ice water, this is actually what you get if you don’t specify how you want your water.
If you just ask for some water you’ll get a nice cold cup of water.
Is Filtered Tap Water Safe to Drink?
A lot of people may worry about how safe it is to drink tap water compared to bottled water and the answer is, it’s not that different.
According to andersonwater.com
Both bottled water and filtered tap water can be better choices when compared to unfiltered tap water or well water. However, while the water inside the plastic bottle you buy may be pure, the concern lies within the bottle itself. The jury is still out on just how safe that plastic is. It’s bad for the environment, but the chemicals contained in the plastic also have the potential to be bad for our health as well. Conditions like hot weather can cause these chemicals to be released into the water, immediately resulting in contamination.
By the looks of it, you may be getting healthier water by asking Starbucks a cup of water rather than buying a bottle.
Filtering your tap water will allow you to have more control over what’s in the water you’re drinking. You can also choose the container you drink it out of, so you can have the peace of mind knowing that your water is free of impurities and potentially harmful contaminants.
It may seem too good to be true but maybe this time, paying less could get you a better quality product. If you’re still in doubt, you know customers love to ask for water at Starbucks because of how good it is, so maybe you should try it to find out what’s so magical about triple-filtered tap water.
What Other Chains Offer Free Water?
Starbucks is not the only place that offers its customers free water, so if you are interested in knowing other famous food chains where you can ask for a cup of water free of charge then check out this small list:
Free Water Without Purchase
- McDonald’s
- Potbelly
- Burger King
- Hale and Hearty
- The Bread Factory
- Chipotle
- Sbarro
Free Water Included With Purchase
- Dunkin’ Donuts
- Nathan’s Hot Dogs
As always, if you are not sure, then just ask, the worst it can happen is they say no, in the end, it’s just water right?
Want to learn more about Starbucks? Check out these related posts to learn why is Starbucks so expensive, does Starbucks take $100 dollar bills, and what do the lines on Starbucks cups mean.
If you happen to be at Starbucks and you are thirsty then you can avoid spending extra money on bottled water. All you need to do is ask for water and you will get some for free.]
There is no need to worry about quality, Starbucks’ water is triple filtered so it’s as clean as it can get, so next time you are at a Starbucks, don’t fill your head with doubts, just go ahead and ask for water, the free price tag will be as refreshing as the water itself.
And remember, it doesn’t matter where you are or what brand of water you get, it’s important to stay hydrated!