When purchasing a product through Amazon, you may notice that you don’t automatically get a receipt so it doesn’t work like any other retail store, however, this is not a problem, getting a receipt from an amazon purchase is easy and you can get one from any purchase you’ve made on the platform.
Here are a few things you should know about getting a receipt from Amazon, including the steps to guide you through the process…
How to Get a Receipt from Amazon?
Follow the steps below and you’ll get the receipt you want in no time!
- First, log in to your Amazon account, through an internet browser.
- Then by clicking “Returns & Orders” in the upper right corner, you’ll see a list of all your orders.
- Then search for the order that you’re looking for to get your receipt. You can also search by date or item, and you can select an order that was canceled or is currently pending.
- After clicking on the order that you were looking for, you’ll see a lot of options on the right, you’ll want to search for “invoice” on the upper right with blue letters, click on it and then select “invoice 1”. Once you do, you’ll automatically download your receipt in PDF format for you to print or save.
That is how you get a receipt from an amazon purchase, it’s easy and quick so don’t stress about it if you need it because you can get it anytime.
Still, there are some things you should know even after knowing how to get the receipt, some of these little things could save you precious time so keep reading!
Can I Get A Receipt From The Amazon App?
Yes, you can get a receipt from the Amazon app. It’s very simple and very similar to how you would get it through the web browser on your desktop.
Still, here is a detailed description of how to get an Amazon receipt when using the Amazon app.
- First, tap on the Amazon app on your phone or tablet and go to your profile which is in the menu at the bottom.
- After that, you’ll see a few options, you need to tap “Your Orders”, and search for the order that you want.
- Once you do, you only need to get “Order Info”, and select “Download invoice”.
There you go, the receipt for the order you chose will be downloaded in PDF so you can use it however you please.
You may want to consider having the Amazon app since it seems it’s an even easier process through your phone, and it’s useful if you need a receipt somewhere far from the comfort of your desktop.
What Is The Difference Between An Invoice And A Receipt?
A lot of people sometimes hear the words “invoice” and “receipt” but don’t understand the difference between them, and it’s kind of understandable, we even just saw the last step to getting a receipt from Amazon, you have to click “invoice” to get your receipt, so it can get confusing sometimes.
Both serve different purposes and they are not issued at the same time when the purchase is made. The way it works is that the invoice is issued before the customer pays for the product, so it’s used as a request for payment, on the other hand, the receipt comes after the transaction is made, and it’s issued as proof of payment.
Both also contain different information, which can be an important detail to bear in mind, as you may need these documents for several different reasons. As for the information that both documents have, the invoice has a full description of the items purchased and any other details regarding the purchase, and receipts only show the details of payment without any descriptions.
Invoice example:
Receipt example:
Why Do I Need A Receipt From Amazon
There are many reasons why you would need a receipt, it’s always a good safety measure when it comes to financial issues and warranties.
Some places may also need a receipt of a specific product and you may need to print it, so having an easy way to get this receipt at any moment is useful.
How Do I Email A Receipt from Amazon
It’s quite simple, after downloading the PDF file from your Amazon order list, you just have to attach the file to an email and that’s it.
Amazon doesn’t seem to offer a direct way to email receipts at this time.
Does Amazon Always Give a Receipt?
Yes of course, not in the traditional way as any retailer would do, but any purchase that you make will have a digital receipt available for download and printing if you need it.
Beware! Amazon Invoice Scams
As a little bonus, remember to watch out for these quite common scams.
There was a case of an Amazon invoice scam back in 2020 in which a woman from BOISE, Idaho, claimed to receive an email with a very convincing email that showed she had purchased an item of over 2000 dollars, and it was of course fake.
According to the local police:
“It’s important to always look for key details when you receive an email like this, in this case, the name of the sender is amazn shop instead of Amazon and the email address is misspelled, filled with numbers, and sent from a generic email server instead of the actual website.”
So remember to get familiar with invoices and receipts so you know what you’re looking at and avoid scams!
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Getting a receipt from your Amazon order is very easy, as following those easy steps will get you a PDF file for you to store, share, print or use however you want, not to mention the option of doing it through the app, which can also save you a lot of time.
For every order there is a clear proof of purchase, just like any other retailer, just remember that you won’t get your proof automatically, so be sure to have it just in case if you think you’ll need it later on for any complaint, refund or emergency.