Amazon is quickly becoming one of the leading employers in the United States. They have a wide range of jobs available in almost every area, covering a wide range of skills and qualifications.
These jobs can range from cushy to challenging, but the overall sentiment towards Amazon as an employer is fairly positive. That being said, sometimes a job just doesn’t work out, and it becomes necessary to resign. So, how exactly do you resign from Amazon?
How To Resign From Amazon
The easiest way to resign from Amazon is to talk directly with your HR representative in person. They will go over the resignation process and help you out. You also have the option of resigning through Amazon’s A to Z app.
The bottom of the homepage states ‘Thinking of leaving Amazon? We don’t want to see you go, but we can help you resign. Learn More”
You click the link, and it’ll bring down a menu to select the reason for leaving, your planned last day, and if you would like a follow up call from HR.
If you want to learn more about resigning from Amazon, what the process is like and even if Amazon pays workers to quit, read more….
Resigning From Amazon Through HR
Just like any job, working at Amazon entails a certain amount of etiquette. You can’t simply stop showing up to work, shooting yourself in the foot with a bad reference. Although this etiquette tends to be fairly consistent between most jobs, Amazon has a bit more of a formal resignation process that can change depending on your position and how long you’ve been working with them.
First of all, quitting your Amazon job is referred to as “voluntary termination”. These terminations are typically handled by HR, but you can also go through your manager as well. You can contact your local HR representative in person or over the phone in order to inform them of your intent to leave. Depending on the circumstances of your termination, they may give you some forms to sign before they allow you to leave.
If your employment was amicable, this process should be pretty straightforward. If you are quitting for more complicated reasons, there might be some more paperwork, but you shouldn’t have any problem. It’s not as if Amazon won’t let you quit if you don’t intend to continue your job with them. They just have to cover their bases.
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How To Resign From Amazon Using The A To Z App
You also have the option to resign through Amazon’s employee app, A To Z. If you’re the type that doesn’t like to talk with HR and would rather let an application handle your resignation, you can simply follow a few simple steps:
- Log into the A to Z app on your mobile device
- At the home screen, scroll to the bottom where it says “Thinking of leaving Amazon?”
- Click on “Learn More”
- You will be shown a form to fill out
- After submitting the form, you will see a screen confirming your resignation request
As you can see, the process is pretty straightforward. Amazon makes it pretty easy to resign from working for them, especially if you are unhappy with your position. It doesn’t do anybody any favors to continue working at a job you hate, so this seems like a considerate decision on their part.
Does Amazon Pay People To Quit?
If you are an Amazon employee, chances are you’ve heard of something called “the offer”. Basically, if you’ve worked at Amazon for a year or more, they will actually offer you money to terminate your employment voluntarily.
Once a year, they will offer unhappy employees monetary compensation if they quit. The amount starts at $1000 and increases until it maxes out at $5000.
If you take the offer, you will never be able to work at Amazon again. The payout will also reportedly be taxed at 30%, meaning you will only get $700 from a $1000 offer for example.
Amazon has this offer to encourage dissatisfied employees to quit rather than continuing with a job they dislike. Their official stance is that “staying somewhere you don’t want to be isn’t healthy for the employees or for the company”.
So if you’re not entirely enthusiastic about your position at Amazon, you can wait around for a bit longer and get some money out of it. If you resign normally, you will miss out on the cash bonus, but you will also be eligible for re-hiring down the road if you end up changing your mind.
Do You Have To Give Amazon Two Weeks’ Notice?
Giving notice of your intent to resign is typically seen as a welcome and responsible way to go about quitting a job. It gives your employer time to find and train a replacement for you, and it communicates your willingness to cooperate with them even though you want to resign. However, is it absolutely necessary to give notice at Amazon?
If you’ve gotten an offer for a higher paying job, you might be required to start earlier than the standard two-week waiting period. This can create situations where you want to be as responsible as possible, but you could miss out on a good opportunity by doing so.
Luckily, Amazon isn’t very stringent about requiring two weeks of notice. Most reports online say that they prefer if you give at least one week of notice, but that they won’t give you a bad reference even if you quit without giving any.
As long as you’re responsible about your resignation and go through the required channels, you should be fine. Just don’t stop showing up without telling anybody; that’s a surefire way to end up with a bad reference on your CV.
Do You Have To Turn In Your Badge When You Quit Amazon?
Amazon employees typically receive identification badges at their initial orientation for their job. Each badge starts off with the same color: blue. As you continue working for Amazon, you will receive differently colored badges reflecting your tenure. After five years, you will receive a yellow badge, a red one after ten years, and so on.
The badges serve as a way to identify employees and access certain employee-only services. When you quit Amazon, you might want to keep your badge as a kind of souvenir, but do you have to turn it in when you quit?
Luckily, no. Amazon can de-activate your badge without you having to physically return it to them. This allows you to keep the badge as a reminder of all the time you put in to the company. This is also pretty convenient if you live far away from your closest fulfillment center.
So hopefully that answers all your questions about resigning from Amazon. If you’re concerned or curious, please feel free to ask away in the comment section.
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Amazon offers many ways to resign and even offers unhappy employees money to do so.
A simple way to resign from Amazon is through the A to Z app and filling out the resignation request. You can also resign directly with an HR representative who will help process your voluntary termination.