Tapioca pearls are a key ingredient in bubble tea, a popular drink that has been taking the world by storm in recent years. They also have other applications in baking, such as for puddings and other goodies.
If you’re in the market for tapioca pearls (sometimes called boba depending on the brand), then you might wonder where they can be found in stores such as Walmart. Walmart offers tapioca from many brands in both pearl and powder form
Tapioca pearls can usually be found in the baking goods section at Walmart. However, some brands may be kept in the beverage section near the teas.
Keep reading to see details on where you can find tapioca pearls in Walmart, as well as where they can be found in other stores.
What Aisle Are Tapioca Pearls in Walmart?
Tapioca pearls are in the baking goods section at Walmart. Some brands of tapioca pearl specifically meant for bubble tea may sometimes be found in the beverage section, near the teas.
There are many types of instant bubble tea that include tapioca pearls. These will generally be kept near other drink mixes and teas in the beverage section. There are also powdered tapioca mixes that can be used in puddings that will be kept in the baking goods section.
It is also possible to make tapioca pearls yourself using powdered tapioca. Fresh tapioca pearls are easier to use than dried ones, and can be a fun way to make bubble tea at home if you can’t find premade tapioca pearls at Walmart.
If you can’t find the tapioca pearls at your local Walmart location, it’s always a good idea to ask an employee to point you in the right direction. They will usually be happy to help you find what you’re looking for. You can also use the Walmart app or the Walmart website to check what aisle tapioca pearls can be found in. We’ll talk more about that later on in this article.

Using The Walmart App to Find Tapioca Pearls
If you are looking for an easier way to find tapioca pearls or other products at your local Walmart location, you can use the Walmart app. The app has a number of amenities, including the ability to check what items are in stock at local stores.
To check where the tapioca pearls are in the Walmart app, you have to first download and install it on your smartphone or tablet. Make sure to input your zip code to ensure the app is set to display results from your nearest Walmart location.
Use the search function to check the stock and see what aisle the tapioca pearls are kept in. If the location you selected has none in stock, you can also check other nearby stores.
If you want some extra features, you can also pay for Walmart +. This gives you the ability to scan items in-store and pay for them right on your smartphone. Paying for items this way allows you to skip the lines on busy shopping days.
Walmart + requires a paid membership to use, but also gives you access to exclusive deals on goods when using the app.
The Walmart website can also be used to find the items you need. Just like when using the app, it’s important to input your zip code to ensure the website is displaying accurate results.
Simply use the search bar to search for tapioca pearls, and the results should show where they can be found in the store.
What Aisle Are The Tapioca Pearls In At Other Stores?
Tapioca pearls can be found in many different stores, such as Target or even on Amazon. They can also be found in a wide range of asian markets in many cities.
Different stores will all have different layouts for their goods, but there will typically be a few consistent places you can find tapioca pearls.
Tapioca pearls can usually be found near the baked goods in most stores. Some stores may have instant drink mixes with tapioca pearls in the beverages section. Most stores will also carry tapioca in powdered form.
If you have trouble finding the tapioca pearls, you can usually ask an employee to point you in the right direction. If the store you are in has a website, you can also usually check online to see what is in stock.
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Tapioca pearls are a fairly niche item that used to only be found in specialized asian markets across the country. With bubble tea becoming more popular, it is becoming more and more common to find pre-made tapioca pearls in stores such as Walmart.
You can typically find the tapioca pearls in the baking goods section. However, there might also be some in the beverage section, near the instant drink mixes and teas.
If you ever have trouble finding anything in Walmart, you can always ask an employee to point you in the right direction.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to fire away in the comments section.