Isn’t it one of the scariest things when you wake up and see some unknown charge on your credit card? This can be really frustrating when you don’t know what to do in this situation. But no need to worry, most of the times, these charges can be tracked and you can make sure that such a thing never happens with you again. Let’s take a look.
Amazon will never charge you debit or credit card without authorization. Usually, any unknown charge will be due to a pre-order, payment hold-off due to order cancellation, subscription renewals for Amazon Prime, Hulu etc.
It is also possible that someone in your family ordered something through your card. If none of these issues are the cause, contact Amazon and your bank immediately…
How To Deal With Unknown Amazon Charges?
The first thing you should after you receive an unknown charge is to go to your Amazon account and select ‘your payments’ and ‘transactions’ to check all of your recent purchases through your account. If you still can’t identify the charge, contact Amazon by phone at 866-216-1075 or contact their customer support through email or chat immediately.
While contacting them, make sure you have the details regarding the unknown charge with you.
This includes the last 4 digits of your card which has been charged, the date it has been charged, amount which was charged and other details like your phone number, email address and your name.
To learn more about what to do in this situation, keep reading…

Most Common Reasons For Unknown Charges On Your Card Through Amazon?
There can be a lot of reasons behind unknown charges being applied on your card. They can range from an order placed by someone else in your family using your account, most likely by an elderly or a child.
But it can also happen when your friends who have been using your Prime subscription accidentally order something through your account and card.
It can also happen if someone else has placed an order through a card which is linked to your debit or credit account.
Most of the times, if you have pre-ordered something, you tend to forget about it. But that pre-ordered item is only charged when it is available. It is also possible than you bought Amazon Prime memberships and put it on auto-renewal.
Another reason can be if you have recently cancelled or changed some order, the bank can place an authorization hold on your account to confirm the validity of the payments.
If you are worried that any of the following might be the reason behind this unknown charge, you can easily verify this through the orders section in your Amazon account.
Can Amazon Charge Your Card Without Permission?
No, Amazon or any other service cannot ever charge your card without permission. These days most of these services have a double authentication feature which prevents these sort of things.
Usually the charges are recurring payments for some digital service which you might have subscribed to.
What To Do In Case Of Fraudulent Purchases?
Although Amazon will never charge your card without your permission, there is a chance that someone might have hacked your account or stolen your card details.
If you have a suspicion that something like this may have happened, immediately change your Amazon account password.
Once this is done, go over the details in your account, as in the cards that you have used for payments in the past.
Check which card is being used for this unknown payments and cross check it with the purchases in your account. After this, if you cannot verify any payments made by your or any of your family members, let Amazon know about this through the number I mentioned before, you can also simply contact their customer service through an email.
Contact your bank as well. Tell them about this problem and try to get that particular card blocked for some time. It is better to be safe than sorry. If someone does have access to your cards, they can potentially inflict a lot of damage.
Why Is Amazon Charging Me For Prime When I Don’t Have It?
Amazon will not charge you for Prime unless you have subscribed to the service. There can be a possibility that you or one of your family members selected the free-trial method but forgot to end it at the end of the trial period.
Usually with Prime subscriptions, auto-renewal is on which means that Amazon will automatically charge your account for renewing the service.
Check if this option is selected, you can simply un-check it from the app itself.
What Is AMZN Digital Charge?
Amazon offers a ton of digital services and whenever it is charged on your credit or debit card, it shows up as Amazon digital charges. There are a ton of apps which you don’t even realize come under the Amazon umbrella, you should ideally check your phone in case you have paid for some app which might be associated with Amazon.
Starting with the Amazon Kindle service, if you have selected this option for 4 kids, it will set you back by $6.99 per month. And if you have selected the unlimited service, it will set you back by $9.99. Another such app can be Hulu, you might have selected the auto renewal option for this app which can set you back by $8.75.
It is also possible that someone from your account, made some payment for a mobile game or a movie or a book. All of these charges can show up under the umbrella of Amazon digital charges.
To overcome this issue, you can turn on the double authorization for each payment which will prevent your kids from making unnecessary purchases.
Want to learn more about Amazon? Read these next to learn what does Out For Delivery mean on Amazon, is it safe to order food from Amazon, and how to refuse an Amazon package.
If you ever see some unknown charge on your credit or debit card through Amazon, no need to panic at first.
Check your account and purchasing history to make sure it is not because of some forgotten purchases.
Check your subscriptions and auto renewals as well. if the charge is still unexplainable, contact amazon customer care and your bank immediately.