Working at Ulta can be a very rewarding experience. They have a number of perks and benefits as well as a robust business cure designed to help employees realize their goals and evolve with the brand.
Part of this relationship is the expectation that Ulta employees will represent the Ulta brand while they are working. To this end, there are a number of policies in place that regulate the behavior and appearance of Ulta employees while they are on the job.
One of the most important of these policies is the dress code. The Ulta dress code is fairly lenient, as it doesn’t require employees to purchase uniform pieces. Instead, employees are given guidelines as to what colors and pieces they are allowed to wear. This allows Ulta employees a certain amount of freedom for personal dress while retaining a professional appearance.
Keep reading to find details on the Ulta dress code, as well as what Ulta employees are and aren’t allowed to wear on the job.
Do Ulta Employees Have a Dress Code?
Yes, Ulta employees have a dress code. Employees are expected to follow the following dress guidelines:
- Red, black, or gray shirt; tucked in at all times
- Black pants worn at the waist
- Black, closed-toe shoes
- Black socks
- Black belt if applicable
- Name tag
In addition to these guidelines, Ulta offers its employees a uniform that can be purchased from the company if employees would prefer. Employees are not expected or forced to wear these uniforms, but they are available for purchase if the employee wants something simple and stylish that fits the rest of the dress code.
Although Ulta recommends that employees wear clothing that is comfortable, there are a few limits on what employees are actually allowed to wear. For example, ripped jeans are not allowed.
Generally, if a piece undermines the professionalism of your appearance, it will not be considered acceptable to wear on the job at Ulta.

Does Ulta Allow Tattoos?
Tattoos are allowed when working at Ulta. Since tattoos have slowly become more and more acceptable over the years in social and professional settings, Ulta no longer disallows employees from having visible tattoos. However, there are a few common-sense limitations on what is or isn’t appropriate.
Basically, any tattoo that is hateful or discriminatory is a no-no. This includes tattoos which undermine or insult any race, religion, or sexual orientation. Face tattoos are also generally frowned upon. Outside of such tattoos, you should be perfectly fine with any visible body art.
Does Ulta Allow Piercings?
Although Ulta allows employees to wear piercings, their policy towards piercings is fairly restrictive. According to reports on, employees are limited to a single visible facial piercing.
Ear piercings are fine as long as they are tasteful and do not interfere with the employee’s ability to perform their duties.
Does Ulta Allow Hats?
Hats are generally not allowed. Head coverings in general are discouraged except in cases where they are necessary for religious reasons (e.g. hijabs or turbans). This includes hoods and other head coverings that are part of a larger garment.
Does Ulta Allow Accessories
Accessories such as bracelets, watches, jewelry, and other items are generally acceptable as long as they are inoffensive, tasteful, and do not interfere with your ability to perform your duties. If you are curious about whether or not a particular accessory is acceptable, it’s a good idea to ask your manager what they think.
Do You Have to Wear a Uniform at Ulta?
You do not have to wear a uniform at Ulta. Although the company offers uniform pieces for purchase by their employees, wearing these uniforms is not compulsory. Employees are free to wear their own clothing as long as it is in keeping with the dress code.
Employees wishing to purchase uniform pieces from Ulta can do so at their discretion. The fees for these uniforms can either be paid up front or paid for out of your paycheck. If you want more details about uniform pieces available from Ulta, you can consult your manager about purchasing a uniform.
How Should I Dress for an Interview at Ulta?
If you’ve applied to work at an Ulta location and managed to schedule an interview, you may be wondering what kind of expectations there are for dressing during the interview. In general, as long as you wear something professional and tasteful, you should be able to make a good impression.
You should dress professionally and tastefully for an interview at Ulta. If you wish to wear some makeup, you may do so. However, it’s important to make a good impression, so keeping your clothing and makeup tasteful and professional is key.
It is not a good idea to wear anything overly stylized or offensive. This includes things like ripped jeans, oversized jewelry, or overly incendiary clothing such as gang clothing.
Wearing something that matches what you would expect an Ulta employee to wear should leave a good impression in the mind of your hiring manager.
Do Ulta Employees Have to Wear Makeup?
Since Ulta employees are in the business of promoting and selling beauty products, many of them wear makeup in order to showcase what is possible with Ulta beauty products. That being said, the wearing of makeup on the job is not compulsory.
Ulta employees do not have to wear makeup. If an Ulta employee wishes to wear makeup while on the job, they may do so. However, employees are expected to maintain a professional and clean appearance while on the job.
Generally, this just means that you should make sure your makeup is not smudged while working. Keeping your makeup tasteful and clean is a good way to steer clear of dress code violations.
Does Ulta Allow Piercings?
Ulta does allow piercings as part of their dress code. Ear piercings are acceptable, as are nose piercings. However, additional face piercings or extreme piercings are generally frowned upon.
Employees at Ulta are generally limited to a single visible facial piercing while on the job. If you’re curious as to whether or not a particular piercing crosses the line, then it’s always a good idea to consult with your manager.
Can You Have Colored Hair at Ulta?
If you like to color your hair in various colors, then you’re probably wondering if Ulta is okay with that. In general, colored hair is not explicitly forbidden by the Ulta dress code. Employees are free to color their hair however they like within reason. Ultimately, it will be up to the discretion of the managers at your store whether or not a certain color is too much.
You can have colored hair at Ulta. As long as you can maintain a professional appearance, your hair color shouldn’t be a problem. The exact definition of professional appearance is generally up to your local managers.
As with most other dress code expectations, if you are unsure whether or not a certain hair color might be too much for your local dress code, you can always consult with your manager.
Want to learn more about Ulta? Check out our related posts to learn if Ulta employees get free makeup, how much does Ulta pay, and does Ulta price match?
Final Thoughts
Working at Ulta can be a very rewarding experience. Their dress code is fairly lenient, and does not require the purchase or wearing of a specific uniform. Employees are free to wear their own clothing as long as they are in keeping with the general dress code.
The dress code itself is focused on simple black pieces in order to maintain a certain degree of uniformity and professionalism. This extends to things like tattoos and piercings, which are permissible as long as they are tasteful and do not interfere with the employee’s ability to perform their duties.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask away in the comments section.