Every job has its limitations when it comes to absences or occurrences, and while the idea is to go to work every day, there are bound to be days that you won’t be able to make it due to small incidents or being sick.
Not every job is the same with these absences and special occasions, some may be more flexible than others so if you’re wondering how they handle things at Walmart then keep reading to find out the answer and more!
How Many Occurrences Are Allowed at Walmart?
Employees at Walmart can have five (5) occurrences in six months, sometimes roughly six each month, however, some employees have stated that they’ve missed around nine days of work and they still hold their position at the store.
This means that the ideal scenario should be that you don’t have more than five occurrences, however, it depends on the situation and the reason for not going to work, since real occurrences are beyond our control.
Walmart can be very flexible with occurrences, which can be a relief for many employees but they do have a limit that can lead to you missing good attendance bonuses or even as far as getting fired.
Make sure you don’t abuse Walmart’s policy and avoid absences as much as you can.
If you want to know more about how to deal with these occurrences and a few more specific details, keep reading!

What is Walmart’s Point System?
Walmart has an attendance policy that includes a point system in which every employee gets a point with each occurrence.
Do Authorized Absences Give You Points at Walmart?
No, if you ask for permission or talk with your manager about the reason for your absence, he may agree to not give you any points for it.
There are a few reasons where this situation applies including:
- Pregnancy
- Bereavement
- Medical Reasons
- FMLA leave
- Other
Either way, it’s important to maintain good communication with your manager in order to avoid getting points for any reason that would make you arrive late or be absent at work, this will improve your chances of not getting penalized for occurrences.
How Many Occurrences Do You Get For Being Late at Walmart?
This applies to absences as well as being late to work, but in some cases, if you arrive from 15 to 2 hours late, you may just get half a point.
When it comes to punctuality some managers are more strict than others, either way, try to arrive within those first 10 minutes of your shift to avoid any problems involving you getting points.
How Many Occurrences is a Call-In at Walmart
If you call in late as a Walmart employee you will probably get one point unless you arrive 15 to 2 hours late, then you’ll just get half a point.
Either way, you should always call if you won’t be able to make it to work in time, or if you won’t be able to make it at all,
How To See How Many Occurrences You Have at Walmart
This is very easy to do, you just have to use one of the computers in personnel to log onto the Wire. Once you do, you have to go to your GTA Portal and click “Attendance” in order to view any of the points that you currently have.
The good thing is that it will also show you the dates you got each of the points so you can easily track your performance.
You can also call Walmart’s customer service department (800-492-5678) at any time if you wish to check your absence or point report. So if you feel more comfortable this way, you can do it.
It is very important for every employee to check the six-month report because you will be fired if you have worked at Walmart for less than six months and have received five points. This can also be the case if you have been working at Walmart for a longer time and have received nine points, so if you have points, make sure you keep track and remember how many you have.
Can You Get Rewards For Good Attendance?
Yes, this is actually a great thing for improving the overall performance of employees since they will get a 25% bonus.
Every employee is eligible for this bonus, it doesn’t, matter if you are a full-time employee or a part-time, as long as you have below two points, you’ll qualify for a bonus, which seems like a very generous thing to do and a great way to improve attendance.
How Long Do Points Last?
If you were wondering how long your points for occurrences will last, then don’t worry they will reset every 4 months or so.
Once this happens, you’ll have 0 points again and give you a little bit of freedom.
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If you work or want to work as an employee at Walmart, try to keep your absences at the minimum, and don’ be late too often, if you do, you’ll get points, and while that is a good thing on other occasions, at Walmart it can get you fired.
Also, remember that some absences will not get you points, however, you have to notify your manager of the reason in order for him to assess the situation and decide whether or not you deserve a free pass.
If you keep your occurrences below 5 every 6 months, then you’re good to go, but if you get even less, you will be rewarded with a 25% bonus, so if you can put in the extra effort to not miss work, you’ll definitely be rewarded.